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8 services that may enhance back pain treatment near you
The spine is a complex and critical system that we rely on every single day. Doctors and chiropractors aren’t always able to help with...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 20

Side stitches: Why do we get them and how can we make them go away?
Researchers haven’t identified a single cause that always explains why people get side stitches when exercising. It’s something we talk...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 18

7 tips for getting better sleep with sciatica
Sciatica can sometimes be more painful at night because lying down may increase pressure on the sciatic nerve. It’s a vicious cycle...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 16

Got a stubborn knot in your shoulder? Here are 5 common causes and 5 treatments
Knots in the shoulder blades are a common complaint among our physical therapy  patients. These points of tension are called trigger...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 14

8 exercises that may improve wrist flexion
Wrist flexion is the act of bending your hand down or forward in relation to your arm. The opposite is wrist extension, in which you bend...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 12

8 signs and symptoms of chronic muscle tension
Most people experience muscle tension many times throughout their lives. When it comes and goes, muscle tension is typically nothing to...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 10

Is your back pain worse at night? Here may be why
There are few things more frustrating than trying to lie down after a busy day and being unable to rest. Back pain is one of the most...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 8

7 tips you can try to alleviate back pain when standing
Being on your feet all day can cause all kinds of aches and pains, especially if you’re standing in one place. It’s common for people who...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 6

What may be behind the popping sounds and pain in your upper arm? 8 possible explanations from our PTs
While the shoulder is a fairly stable joint, the upper arm has a wide range of motion. Repetitive movements can quickly turn into an...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 4

Soft tissue injuries: What 9 factors may cause them?
Soft tissue injuries are most often caused by some sort of trauma or overuse. Trauma, in this case, means force of impact such as a fall...
KC Rehab Team
Mar 2

Achilles tendinitis: 12 symptoms associated with this condition
Achilles tendinitis is an inflammation-based condition that’s commonly caused by overuse or damage to the Achilles tendon in the leg. It...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 28

Degenerative arthritis: Common symptoms and causes
Degenerative arthritis, also called osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease, is a condition that can develop in the cartilage of the...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 25

Why do I feel extreme pain in my lower back? 9 common causes
Lower back pain can be a debilitating condition that affects the lumbar area of the spine between the ribs and pelvis. As the leading...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 22

4 factors that can affect the recovery time of a herniated disc
The vertebrae in your spine are cushioned with rubbery discs that have a softer, jelly-like center. When a tear or leak occurs in one of...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 19

Why do I feel pain in the arch of my foot if it's not plantar fasciitis? 7 possible explanations
If you’re experiencing pain in the arch of your foot, your first thought might be that it’s plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 16

The most common types of injuries golfers experience
Golfing can be a great form of exercise, especially if you’re walking the course. However, repetitive movements such as swinging a golf...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 13

4 physical therapy treatments for neck pain from sleeping
Neck pain caused by poor sleep habits can be highly disruptive to your everyday life. It can make anything from sudden movements to...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 10

4 reasons why you're experiencing knee pain when going down the stairs
Stairs are often unavoidable, especially if you live in a multilevel home. There may also be stairs in front of a public building, like a...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 7

5 physical therapist-recommended exercises that may improve your posture
You might think about aspects of your health throughout your day, such as your strength when you’re carrying groceries and your reflexes...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 4

Recovering from a fall on ice? Here are 5 ways physical therapy can help
Winter can bring a lot of fun for your whole family, from having a bonfire to going ice skating. If you’re in an area that gets snow,...
KC Rehab Team
Feb 1
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