Being on your feet all day can cause all kinds of aches and pains, especially if you’re standing in one place. It’s common for people who have jobs that require them to stand (e.g., cashiers or greeters) to feel pain in different parts of their back by the end of the day. Physical therapy treatments can help relieve back pain and create better posture for less pain in the future. Therapeutic exercise and stretching are often helpful for back pain from standing as well.
Lower back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide. While it’s often a work-related hazard, if it goes untreated, back pain can keep you from going to work.
In this blog post, we’ll share seven tips you can try to alleviate back pain when standing.
7 ways to alleviate back pain when standing
Holding your back in any position for too long can cause pain and stiffness. Our bodies need healthy movement to feel balanced and stay in shape. If you have to stand all day for your job or other activities, there are things you can do throughout the day to keep back pain to a minimum. Many of these points have to do with movement and posture, which are two of the most important things to keep in mind.
Try the following seven tips to relieve back pain while standing for long stretches of time:
Mind your posture — Slouching and constriction in different parts of your back from bad posture can make you sore. Many people don’t realize their posture is contributing to their back pain. If you have to stand for a long time, distribute your weight evenly on both feet. Tuck your hips in so the small of your back isn’t crunched. Stand up straight and tall with your shoulders back and chest forward.
Take breaks to sit — Sitting down for even 10 minutes at a time can relieve pressure that’s built up in your back from standing. Take breaks to sit down every few hours.
Take breaks to stretch — Moving your body into a different position and stretching can help release tension in your back before it becomes too painful. Yoga stretches like downward dog and cat-cow are great for days when you have to stand for long periods.
Take breaks to move — Walking can change your posture slightly and improve circulation, which helps your body heal sore muscles. Take breaks to move your legs or get some full-body movement.
Strengthen your back and core muscles — When the muscles in your back and core are weak, it’s harder to maintain good posture and you’ll find yourself feeling sore much sooner. Try adding some core and back strengthening exercises to your routine. This will help create more support for your spine and make you more resilient to aches and pains.
Wear supportive shoes — When you’re on your feet all day, supportive footwear is especially important. Improper shoes can cause pain in your back, hips, knees and feet. Avoid shoes with high heels or an incline that tips you forward.
See a physical therapist — If you’re having back pain on a consistent basis, there may be physical therapy treatments that can help. Our PTs can do soft tissue mobilization to loosen up sore spots and help reduce stiffness and pressure in your spine. We can also create a custom exercise program to help you get your back and your body in shape.
Find relief from back pain when standing at KC Rehab
It’s the little things you do on a daily basis that help reduce back pain the most. However, after back pain becomes chronic, you may need treatment to get back to your usual routine. If you’ve gotten to a point where your pain is intense or nothing seems to help, it may be time to look into physical therapy.
At KC Rehab, we provide treatments to help people keep doing the things that make their life meaningful for as long as possible. We offer industrial rehab services, which include functional evaluation and work hardening. Our PTs can help you assess your current ability to work. Then we’ll create your personalized treatment plan with natural treatments, exercises and lifestyle adjustments to help you get back to work and feel your best.
Are you ready to try a new approach to treating your back pain? Find out if physical therapy is right for you. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.